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Registered Associate Nutritionist

Registered Associate Nutritionist

Takeaways part 2

 So I thought I would do another blog post into healthier options when eating out. As lockdown is easing as the weeks goes by it would be great to share more hints and tips when out and about, and have a fancy cheeky meal without the use of a kitchen (apart from the cutlery!) 

I was out over the weekend and went to this lovely Indian restaurant. On my previous post I emphasised the importance of vegetables because they give an array of important vitamins and minerals that we need on a daily basis. On the first picture I had king prawns with vegetables as a starter. You cannot see the vegetables are they are tucked in underneath the prawns. Prawns are a healthy option rather than chicken because they contain a high amount of protein, which helps to do a variety of things, however the main importance is for cell production, and for building muscle, which is used to speed up metabolism and calories. Prawns are also great for maintaining a healthy immune system, and  supporting bones. Prawns in combination with the vegetables makes a great healthy starter. A great starter as well would be soup with a whole meal seeded bread. I tend to go for carrot and coriander, or plain tomato soup. Carrot is great as it is packed with Vitamin A (great to improve night vision) the seeded bread contains fibre, which can support regular bowel movement. Tomato soup contains antioxidants, as well as the added fibre within it. 

The main meal (pictured) I had a lamb burger with chips. This may have not been the ideal choice , however I wanted to show you other great options you can have, a turkey burger is great, as they contain low amounts of fat in comparison to chicken and lamb. Turkey also contains a high amount of protein. There was also the option of wedges, that is far better than chips, as the oil is absorbed far less than the thin chips. I chose to skip the naan bread, and go for the salads, or soups instead, naan bread tend to be very filling, and because it is there in front of you,  it can influence you to eat more, despite you being full already. If there is an option of wholemeal rice try to have that instead of the plain white tice, as wholemeal has two benefits. They are packed full of fibre , which is great for bowel movement, and also they are low in LDL Cholesterol, which can reduce the rate of having high blood pressure. 

Finally for desert I had a slice of chocolate cake,  I am aware that deserts in general cannot be resisted, so I would advise try to have a small slice as possible, the smaller the slice the lower the amount of sugar, calories, and saturated fat that is going into our bodies. Regardless of the choice of cake, whether this is for victoria sponge, carrot, red velvet etc. Try to have a small slice as possible. Sometimes I tell myself that it is a good thing that I am unable to bake, as I will be constantly making cake all the time, and eating them. 

For drinks, as I rarely drink now (because of lockdown but that may change, depending on the ever changing rules) I tend to go for pressed juices, mainly orange. Orange juice with a iron rich meal i.e. lamb, steak, etc has a great link to absorb Iron better. Iron is needed for the production of red blood cells, women needs this more than men, due to the mensural cycle every month. 

So there you have it, I hope that this has shared some more hints and tips on eating out healthily. Let me know in the comments box if this has been useful. Also if you have any topics you would like me to write about, why not also comment here below 

Have a great week ! 




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